Selim Koc

Why your Instagram ads are not converting well?


The root cause of not well-converting ads is the ethical approach of the founder, Zuckerberg. Here are some comments I found on Google on Zuckerberg’s fame from an ethical perspective:

“Facebook’s ethical failures are not accidental; they are part of the business model”


“During its tenure as a public company, Meta—formerly known as Facebook—has been plagued with ethical blunders, from damning exposés on its handling of user data to reports on its struggle to manage toxic content’s impact on teenagers’ mental health.”


Zuckerberg is acting as expected on advertisements on Meta Platforms

On their Facebook ads explanation web page, they claim that you can limit your target audiences as you want.

What happens, in reality, is a different story. Even if you limit your audiences, if there are not enough target customers, they will show your ads to broader audiences which you don’t want to target. As a result, your money is going to Zuckerberg’s wallet but your ads are shown to unrelated people who have no interest in your business.


Unfortunately, there is no solution.


I feel sorry for my two brilliant friends (Ozgur & Ugur) who are working for Meta. I also feel sorry for other brilliant guys who have a money-first approach when choosing their jobs.

Case Study: Hamburger Restaurants

I’m currently living in Izmit, Kocaeli and I started following a hamburger restaurant which is located in Izmit, Kocaeli on Instagram. So I expected to see ads from other hamburger restaurants or similar interest area restaurants like pizza restaurants in my location. But what I saw is hamburger restaurants in different cities in Turkey. When I saw their ads, I took screenshots and tried to inform them to limit the location of their ads. But a restaurant replied that they already limit their ads by location circled around their restaurant by 20km whereas I was 550km away from that restaurant.

Gallery of Unrelated Ads I saw on Instagram

I uploaded too many pictures to show it is not because of a small mistake in their system, it’s how their system is designed to act.

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