Selim Koc

Removing Unused Files of WordPress Contact Form 7 Plugin

Software Development

The most famous contact form plugin in the WordPress directory is most probably the Contact Form 7 plugin. It’s used by millions of WordPress websites. But one of the main problems with this plugin in terms of website speed is, it adds its javascript and CSS files to all of the website. But in terms of website performance, it is better to load those files on pages in which contact forms are used.

[RUFO] Remove Unused Static Files (stylesheet and javascript) Of Contact Form 7 Plugin

I wrote a simple plugin for this purpose. It automatically adds the files to pages which have contact forms. I submitted it to the WordPress plugin directory, usually, controls take a week or so but when I applied, they informed me that there are already 400+ plugins on the waiting list, so it might take a month or more. Therefore I decided to publish it on my blog, and you can download it from the link below.


  1. Download and extract the content of the plugin,
  2. Transfer the folder, rufo-remove-unused-files-of-cf7, to under WordPress plugins folder ( /wp-content/plugins).
  3. Login to WordPress and activate the plugin.


It is a free plugin which comes with no guarantee or support. It should work without any configuration, but if you face any problems you can send me an email. My email address: remove the .com part from my blog’s domain name and add

Plugin in a Plugin for a Plugin

This plugin is very simple in terms of coding used but I was doing this manually on theme functions.php for a long time and I see nobody created a simple plugin for this purpose.

Other than that, I created another plugin for creating MVC structured plugins last year but I did not have time to release an example plugin with it. So the motivation to create this plugin was finally releasing a simple plugin which uses my ATA plugin.

So it became a plugin for Contact Form 7 which uses ATA plugin.

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