Selim Koc

Speed Matters


What does a faster website mean?

  • Higher Revenue (via higher conversion rates & higher total cart sizes)
  • Higher Google Rankings (SEO) (more free organic traffic to your website)
  • Better User Experience
  • Higher Brand Image
  • Lower Bounce Rates
  • Higher Customer Satisfaction
  • Higher Page Views

Gartner’s Recent Study: “Milliseconds Make Millions” related to Mobile Website Speeds in E-Commerce

Every 0,1 seconds increase in mobile site loading time, you will get a positive increase in Page ViewsConversion Rates, and Average Order Value.

  • Retail conversions increased by 8.4% and average order value increased by 9.2%.
  • Travel conversions increased by 10.1% and average order value increased by 1.9%.
  • Luxury brand page views per session increased by 8.6%.
  • Lead generation information pages bounce rate improved by 8.3%

User Surver On Slow E-commerce Websites:


Gartner’s BlogGartner’s Full PDF ReportBackup Link for Full PDF Report

Amazon’s Study in 2006

According to former Amazon Software Engineer Greg Linden, 0,1 seconds in loading time results %1 conversion rate change. (The link to the presentation on his blog is not working, you can see the presentation from this link)

This conclusion may be surprising – people notice a half second delay? – but we had a similar experience at In A/B tests, we tried delaying the page in increments of 100 milliseconds and found that even very small delays would result in substantial and costly drops in revenue.Greg Linden

Further Reading on How Companies Invest in Speed Optimization

Vodafone: A 31% improvement in LCP increased sales by 8%

Yahoo Japan: How Back/forward Cache Helped Yahoo! JAPAN News Increase Revenue by 9% on Mobile

Renault : How Renault improved its bounce and conversion rates by measuring and optimizing Largest Contentful Paint

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